The College welcomes the involvement of all parents and we hope that we will have a successful partnership with you, working together to encourage your son or daughter to achieve their potential.
We ask that parents take some time to read this handbook so that you are aware of our expectations in terms of behaviour and approach to study, as well as what our students can expect from the College.
The College expects that students will take responsibility for their own learning and progress, however, parents play an important role in this process and the College will liaise with parents accordingly.
You can expect the College to provide:
- A personal link via your son/daughter’s tutor;
- An opportunity to meet with the Principal, Vice Principal and other senior staff at the Evening for Parents’ of New Students in early September;
- Parents’ Evenings to discuss your son/daughter’s progress with subject teachers and his/her tutor;
- A prompt response to any query or concern;
- Contact from the College should we become concerned about your son/daughter’s attendance or progress;
- An appointment with your son/daughter’s tutor if either you or we need to discuss an aspect of your son/daughter’s progress;
- Representation on the College’s Local Governing Body through the Parent Governor.
We ask that parents:
- Encourage your son/daughter to meet the College's expectations in relation to behaviour and attitutes to study;
- Inform us if you become concerned about any aspect of your son/daughter’s progress;
- Discuss Summary Assessments of progress with your son/daughter;
- Inform us of any changes to personal circumstance e.g. change of address, domestic situation;
- Report absence to the College via the Tutorial Hub or electronically;
- Avoid taking holidays in term time or request permission from a Head of Year where such arrangements are absolutely unavoidable;
- Support your son/daughter with work outside of lessons – this should equal the time spent in lessons.