Welcome to Worcester Sixth Form College's Virtual Ambition Event
We are delighted to welcome you to our Virtual Ambition Event that forms part of the College's extensive enrichment programme.
The purpose of this evening is to encourage students in Years 10 or 11 to aim high at GCSE and to look ahead to the opportunities that are available at university. You will find out about a range of competitive courses, the entry requirements and what students will need to do to enhance their chances of being offered places on these courses.
We have created a brief guide should you need any help in joining the workshops. You can view this by clicking on the button below.

6.00pm - An Introduction to Higher Education by Oriel College, Oxford

The Outreach Officer for Oriel College, University of Oxford, India Collins-Davies, will give an introduction to studying at and applying to Oxbridge: why it could be a great option for the future, and which practical steps KS4 students can take towards it as a goal. There will be opportunities to ask questions and to dismantle some common misconceptions about the two universities in the workshop at 7:20pm.

6.45pm - Small Group Workshops
Biological Sciences

This presentation by Steven T Russell will cover admission and general content of the degree. Professional accreditation, placement opportunities and career possibilities. He will also cover the biomedical science and biochemistry degree programs as well as the foundation in science.

Ruth Scotson, Deputy Principal and History teacher, at Worcester Sixth Form College will introduce a presentation by Dr Rob Lutton from the University of Nottingham about the reasons for studying History at university, the structure and options within different History degree courses and career progression on graduation.
Physical Sciences

Presented by Dr Chris North and Dr Michael Harbottle, these fun, interactive workshops will provide you with the opportunity to find out more about studying in the School of Engineering and the School of Physics and Astronomy at Cardiff University.
Creative Arts


Earth Sciences

Andrew Wallis talks about Creative Degrees and Careers - Creativity cannot be automated.
Bill Davies, Head of School of Law, delivers an Introduction to studying Law at Worcester.
Presented by Dr Marc K Reichow.



Presentation by Orla Kirkland and Alica Bartsch. Psychology at the University of Exeter: Join us to discover our course and hear from current Psychology student Alica. We will explore the modules available, career opportunities and teaching methods alongside some of our current research. There will also be time to ask questions about both the course and University of Exeter.
A workshop dedicated to studying sports courses at Loughborough University alongside finding out about the range of sports extra-curricular activities. This presentation also aims to give you the opportunity to gain some useful insight into the process behind researching the right course and institution for you.
This session, led by Dr Simon Marsden, will look at the range of English degrees available in the UK and offer advice on how to decide which kind of degree might be the best one for you. We will talk about the benefits of studying English and where your degree might take you in the future. Using some examples from Liverpool’s degree programmes, we will discuss what you can expect as a student of English and what similarities and differences to look for as you investigate courses at different universities. The session will also include good questions to ask at open days and advice on writing your UCAS personal statement.

7.20pm - Optional Workshops
Applying to Oxbridge

Applying for Medicine

Careers in STEM

The Outreach Officer for Oriel College, University of Oxford, will give an introduction to studying at and applying to Oxbridge: why it could be a great option for the future, and which practical steps KS4 students can take towards it as a goal. There will be opportunities to ask questions and to dismantle some common misconceptions about the two universities.
Bethany Jones delivers an interactive workshop with a junior doctor who previously studied at Worcester Sixth Form College. Advice on how to get the most from your work experience, tips for writing your personal statement and interview prep. Find out what it's really like to be a medical student and junior doctor, with a full Q&A session.
This presentation showcases to school and college students what an exciting future in STEM could look like. It includes an overview of the variety of courses on offer at USW and supports students to understand the steps they need to take to secure a future in STEM.
University Finance

UCAS and Support Available

Mohammed Ansar, Outreach Officer, talks about Student Finance covering How much does it cost (Tuition Fee Loan), How do you survive financially (Maintenance Loans), Free money (Scholarships and Bursaries) and how do you pay it all back.
The UCAS Application and Support Available workshop will give an overview of the UCAS application process. We will consider what students need to do and the timeline for applications. We will also look at what universities are looking for and how they choose whom to make offers to (including selective universities). In addition, we will briefly consider how students can research courses and universities to make the right choices considering the reputation of the university/course, whether to apply to a campus or city university etc. Finally, we look at what kind of support is available both before applying and after starting your university life.