Why Study Further Mathematics?

If you enjoy Mathematics, both for its practical applications and for its own sake, you relish the challenge of problem solving, and A Level Mathematics is just not enough Maths, then Further Maths may be a subject be for you.

Further Mathematics is always taken alongside A Level Mathematics and between them they give students a deeper and broader knowledge of Mathematics, both Pure and Applied. Further Mathematics is particularly useful for students preparing for courses at university in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics and Computing and is looked on very favourably by the top universities. For entry to some university Mathematics undergraduate programmes, Further Mathematics A Level is essential.

Why Study Further Mathematics at Worcester Sixth Form College?

At Worcester Sixth Form College, students are taught by a team of well qualified and highly experienced A Level specialists. We share ideas and work together to develop teaching styles, methods and strategies that benefit our students. Many of the department staff are also examiners for Edexcel, providing us with a deeper insight into the best way to answer the A Level exam questions.

First year students are entered for Further Maths at AS Level. This allows for students to take Further Mathematics as a fourth subject, while keeping the option of studying three subjects in the second year.

Further Mathematics students are strongly encouraged to join the Maths Academy, which provides extension activities for A Level Mathematics students. In the weekly sessions, students explore topics and ideas not covered by Mathematics or Further Mathematics A Levels. These include Group Theory, the concept of infinity and multiple infinities, and using probability to create simulations.

The Maths Academy provides an opportunity to participate in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge, and our students often progress to further stages such as the Kangaroo Challenge and the Maths Olympiad.

Anyone wishing to pursue a higher education course in Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science or similar would benefit from attending the Maths Academy. Students considering a degree in Mathematics at a competitive university, should consider studying Further Mathematics.


Jane Hillhouse

Further Maths - Lacon Childe School
“I decided to study Further Maths A Level because it was recommended to me by my Head of Year at College. I enjoy the challenging nature of the subject and the opportunities it presents to enhance my problem solving skills. The subject allowed me to explore more complex and intricate mathematics, which I will apply in my Civil Engineering degree.”

Progression Opportunities

Further Mathematics provides a basis for subsequent quantitative work in a wide range of higher education courses and in employment.

In recent years, our students have gone on to study a variety of subjects at university including Mathematics at Cambridge, Durham, Oxford and Warwick amongst others, Engineering at Imperial, Southampton and Bath, Geology at Cardiff and Exeter and Computer Science at Cardiff.

Some students have also chosen to enter the world of work, pursuing apprenticeships at companies such as Worcester Bosch and Mainstay Group.


Course Specifics / Entry Requirements

Qualification Name Maths GCSE Req. English GCSE Req. Other Req. Desirable Qualifications Skills & Attributes Required for Success Guidance on Costs or Commitments
Further Mathematics8If you have a grade 7 in Maths you will be advised on an individual basis.A graphical calculator with statistical distribution function required: approx. £80.

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