Why Study Geography?

Geography encompasses a wide range of topics and skills and allows us to understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life (eg. earth-sun relationships, water cycles, wind and ocean currents). It also allows us to learn about the concept of place and the physical and cultural characteristics of those places in order to function more effectively in our increasingly globalised and interdependent world.

Employers and universities see Geography as a robust academic subject, rich in skills, knowledge and understanding. As a subject linking the arts and the sciences, it is highly flexible in terms of what you can combine it with at A Level. If you choose to take Geography on to university, there is a range of broad of more specialised courses to choose from, giving students a range of career opportunities.

We study the Edexcel A Level specification which has an equal split between human and physical topics. On the physical side of the course, we will look into Tectonic Hazards, Glaciation, the Water and Carbon Cycles and the global insecurities associated with them. Within our study of the human aspects of Geography, we will look at Globalisation, Regenerating Places, Superpowers and Migration, Identity & Sovereignty. The topics are dynamic, relevant and link well across a range of subjects.

Why study Geography at Worcester Sixth Form College?

Geography at Worcester Sixth Form College is taught by subject specialists in specialist classrooms. Our teachers are examiners or senior examiners with an excellent insight into the course and NEA requirements. We provide a range of fieldwork opportunities, both locally and further afield. Our students visit Birmingham and Hereford to contrast cityscapes as well as the Lake District to help them experience a relic glacial environment. We also offer exciting opportunities to visits further afield such as Iceland or the Azores. We additionally provide students the opportunity to attend revision workshops and extension sessions both within College and externally.

We are especially proud of our fieldwork and its contribution to the NEA; we have invested in a range of field equipment from high tech Air particulates monitors to soil hydrometry kits. Unlike many schools, we encourage students to choose a fieldwork topic of their choice. We do not force students to write up projects set by the teacher. This allows students to work with their talents and produce excellent coursework.

Alongside classroom based learning, all students complete 4 days in the field. One day is spent investigating the regeneration of Birmingham and 3 days are spent collecting data for the NEA in the Lake District in June of the first year. There is also an optional field trip in the second year providing the students with the opportunity to visit Iceland- land of fire and ice!


Elsa Burt

Geography - Prince Henry's High School
Geography has been a really enjoyable subject for me, and I have found it compliments my Biology A-Level across shared topics like the carbon and water cycles, as well as a variety of skills geography gives you which can be used across nearly all my subjects. You get some great experiences with trips to learn outside of the classroom like trips to local cities and the lake district. I’ve enjoyed the application of superpowers on environmental issues and am looking forward to studying degree level genetics and hopefully going on to combining geography with biology higher level, potentially researching the effect of microorganisms on geographical systems.

Progression Opportunities

For students looking to continue their studies at university, there are more than 80 universities offering Geography courses. This allows you as a student to study elements of the subject that interest you, specialising in what you enjoy most. If you opt for a BA degree you are more likely to focus on elements of Human Geography, and with a BSc degree, you can study more Physical Geography. Students may decide not to go directly into a Geography degree, but may decide to study related subjects. Recently students have gone on to study Oceanography, Urban Planning and International Relations at university. One of our previous students works with international consultancy firms like Stantec, with 400 offices around the world, giving students the opportunity to work internationally. Geography is also sought after by those offering apprenticeships due to the decision making and analytical skills it encourages students to develop. Students in the past have gone on to train in-house with local Hydrology companies or with the Environment Agency.


Course Specifics / Entry Requirements

Qualification Name Maths GCSE Req. English GCSE Req. Other Req. Desirable Qualifications Skills & Attributes Required for Success Guidance on Costs or Commitments
Geography44Refer to department if not taken at GCSEGCSE Geography at grade 6 or above is desirable. If not, refer to department for advice.Interest in both physical and human geography and in current affairs.Year 1 local trips £15-£20 End of year 1 residential to Lake District approx. £300

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