Why Study Sociology?

’I love to study people, and that’s basically what Sociology is’ – Kamaru Usman

‘The function of Sociology, as of every science, is reveal that which is hidden’ – Pierre Bourdieu

Have you ever wondered why incidents of knife crime are increasing; why overall, girls achieve far better exam results than boys; or why the police tend to target younger rather than older people? If you have then Sociology might be the subject for you.

Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It attempts to describe and explain people’s social behaviour. In so doing, it asks questions such as why is it that people commit crime? Why do some people join gangs? Why are some people rich and others poor? Why do 50,000 people in the world die of poverty every day? How do the media and social media shape the world in which we live?

Sociology can help you to understand the social structures that shape us and prepare us for our place in the world, such as the family and education. It can also shed light on hidden aspects of society such as the power of those who own the media, criminal gangs, and youth subcultures.

Why Study Sociology at Worcester Sixth Form College?

Sociology is one of the most popular A Level subjects and is taught by teachers with a genuine passion for the subject. Sociology gives you the opportunity to debate, analyse, and evaluate a variety of possible answers to the social issues that surround us daily. It links well with many other subjects available at College, particularly Politics, History, Law, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, Media Studies, Criminology, Classical Civilisation, Geography and Economics.

Alongside lessons, students have recently attended Sociology conferences, with advice from chief examiners and contributions from major sociologists on topical issues.

Progression Opportunities

Many students go on to study Sociology at degree level choosing a single honours degree or a combined degree with other academic disciplines such as Law and Psychology. There are also close links to fields such as marketing, criminology, research, teaching and social work.

However, the social awareness and evaluative skills that you develop will be useful in whatever field you specialise in.


Yasmin Akbas

Sociology - Tudor Grange Academy
“After studying Sociology at GCSE, I knew that I wanted to expand my knowledge and understanding by studying it at a higher level. The course covers a variety of content including education, crime and deviance, families and households as well many other interesting topics. The lessons are engaging and well structured ensuring all knowledge can be absorbed. Sociology has given me the ability to think independently allowing me to form my own ideas and beliefs, as well as understanding others. Alongside Sociology I study Geography and Media Studies, I have found that the skills I have gained from Sociology have helped me immensely with my other subjects, for example, my understanding of theorists and interpreting them as well as my essay writing. After college I am hoping to study Sociology and Law at university.”

Course Specifics / Entry Requirements

Qualification Name Maths GCSE Req. English GCSE Req. Other Req. Desirable Qualifications Skills & Attributes Required for Success Guidance on Costs or Commitments
Sociology4Interest in contemporary issues. Willingness to participate in discussion. Willingness to be open-minded.Year 1: optional trip: approx. £10- £15. Year 2: optional trip: approx. £10-£15

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