Why Study Engineering?

Engineers are fantastic problem solvers that use a combination of maths and physics to understand and investigate the world around them. Engineers need to think logically but also need to be creative in their approach to solving problems. As part of the course you will learn about and solve problems in a huge variety of topics including mechanics, electronics, material science, environmental engineering and gear systems.

Why study Engineering at Worcester Sixth Form College?

We take a creative approach to teaching and learning which includes practical work, development of teamwork and analytical skills. You will be taught by experienced subject specialists in modern well equipped laboratories located in our state of the art Science Centre.

Engineering students have the opportunity to work with local engineering companies on a project as part of the Engineering Education Scheme.

Progression Opportunities

The skills you develop as part of the Engineering course are highly valued by employers and provide the necessary building blocks should you wish to follow a career path into the engineering profession.

Engineering can be studied as a pathway to vocational courses such as engineering apprenticeships, or in combination with A Levels such as Physics or Mathematics to facilitate more traditional academic routes onto Engineering degrees or related courses.

Philip Capewell

Nunnery Wood High School

Further Maths

I took Further Mathematics as it linked in with the logical and procedural ideas incorporated into Computer Science, and with the applied mechanical ideas introduced during the physics course. I have enjoyed learning about previously un-explored areas of mathematics, especially those with clear, real-world, applications.  The Mechanical and Decision units have been my favourite, as they have strong links to physics and computer science.
Using these processes and calculations assisted me during the completion of the EES scheme, in which I lead the development of movement software.

After College, I plan to take a degree-level apprenticeship in Software Engineering or System Engineering

Oliver Cragg-Domanski

Engineering- Bowbrook House School
“I chose Engineering as it was the right fit to consolidate the subjects I had already chosen - Maths and Physics. I did not have any real expectations when I started Engineering. I was pleasantly surprised by how the course was structured. The fact it was modular worked brilliantly for me as you could cover a topic, have an exam and then move to a different subject. The structure is ideal to see your own progression, in my view. I felt we were also lucky to have teachers who explained the course very well, regardless of which level you were at. Recently we started a CAD project and it was really enjoyable to have to adjust to new software and learn how to design and be creative. It was great that the Engineering course covered phasor diagrams as this was not included in my A Level Physics, but will be studied at university. I am planning an integrated Masters in Physics with a year in industry at university.”
physics dest

Entry Requirements

Essential Qualifications Other Desirable Qualifications / Combinations Skills & Attributes Required for Success Guidance on Costs or Commitments
GCSE Maths at grade 5 or above, GCSE Physics or Combined Science at grade 5 or above.Core Maths must be studied where a student is not enrolled on Maths A Level.Optional trip in year 1 (approx. £8)

Qualification Levels & Enrolment Options

Qualification Name A Level Equivalence Duration Awarding Body
Extended Certificate1 A Level (1 Block)1 year (to be studied in 2nd year after successful completion of Certificate)Cambridge Technical

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