Since 2018 the college has been proud to partner Inspiring Worcestershire to pilot a new scheme the ' Junior Internship Programme' focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The Worcestershire Skills Partnership is a partnership of Worcestershire businesses, the local authority, Local Enterprise Partnership, together with Worcester Sixth Form College and Heart of Worcestershire College. It has been established to develop new STEM opportunities in the local area and the Junior Internship Programme is the first (and successful) initiative to be piloted by the partnership.
What does the Programme offer?
- An insight into careers in the local and surrounding areas and support in understanding how to access jobs in these organisations/sectors
- A tour of the sponsor organisation
- Work experience of a minimum of 2 weeks a year
- One hour per month mentoring for 2 years from the sponsor organisation's senior management team
- Input into the completion of a subject-related project - an Extended Project Qualification will be gained as a result of the project and work experience with the industry sponsor
Organisations to participate in the scheme are: Worcester Bosch, Malvern Panalytical, Morgan Motors, Southco, Mazak, Open GI, Worcestershire County Council, Jacobs, Payara, Specsavers, Artwork Creative, Borewell and OGL.
Please note: Due to the impact of COVID-19 unfortunately recruitment to the programme hasn't been able to take place for the 2020-21 academic year.