Borwell Work Experience by Jonathan Ash
Upon my arrival at Borwell, I was greeted by Vicki who was really nice and took me to meet the Cybx Team.
I was given a work experience booklet which had all of the activities for the week. They were very organised and I instantly got stuck in to the part, enjoying every part. Day 1 was a chance for me to get to know the team and it was just breath-taking watching how the professionals do it. I worked through both OverTheWire and the vulnerable machines, which then taught me different vulnerabilities. By day 2, I was ready to tackle the more satisfying vulnerable machines which were off HackTheBox, this by far was the best part of the week due to having help on demand when I needed it.
They would show me how it it done and then why it works that way. Day 3/5, Was just solidifying my knowledge and learning the more advanced techniques. It was a tremendous experience; the team was great and they knew exactly what I was asking which isn’t always easy considering the complexities. I have now decided that I want a career in Cyber Security and want to specialise in pen testing and maybe even work for Borwell in the future. Thanks to Borwell for making me feel comfortable and at home.