Our Virtual Taster Day will take place on Friday, 9th July from 9am. You will receive an email with links to the welcome from our Principal, Ed Senior, on Teams and to sessions for your subject choices. As the day approaches, if you find that you have not received an email, please do contact us.
On the Day
Please log on in good time to join the Welcome session at 9am before you join your taster sessions.
The schedule for the day is outlined below. Please note that you will only receive links to the subjects you have indicated on your application form and discussed at interview. For example, if you have only selected three subjects, you will only receive three subject session links.
Welcome from the Principal 9am – 9.15am
Subject session 1: 9.20 – 9.55am
Subject session 2: 10 – 10.35 am
Subject session 3: 10.40 – 11.15 am
Subject session 4: 11.20 – 11.55 pm
Subject session 5: 12 – 12.35 pm
Subject session 6: 12.40 – 1.15 pm
Programme choice session 7 with Head of Year (optional): 1.20pm - 2pm
We hope that the Virtual Taster Day will enable you to find out more about the subjects that you are interested in studying, provide opportunity to see some of our teachers and ask questions about the subject. Please remember to keep your cameras turned off at all times and to remain on mute unless you wish to ask a question. If you have a question either put your hand up and your teacher will invite you to put your microphone on, otherwise please type your questions using the chat function.
What if I change my mind about the subjects I want to study?
Your Virtual Taster Day programme is based on the subjects you entered on your application. However, don’t worry if you change your mind later. You will have a opportunity to confirm or change your subject choices when we ask you to upload your results onto the pre-enrolment software provided after your results are published. You will then also have the chance to discuss this and make any final changes during your Course Confirmation appointment between August 31st and Friday 3rd September. If you know in advance that you will not be available for Course Confirmation between these dates please telephone the College and ask for Admissions, or alternatively email: apply@wsfc.ac.uk
Information about additional support
Links will also be made available so that at any point during the Taster Day you can find out or ask questions about learning support, careers guidance, financial support and advice about travelling to College or how to get support.
Using Microsoft Teams
I am sure that you are used to using Teams if you have used if for remote learning. If, however, you are not familiar with this, we have a video which you may find useful to watch before the Taster Day.